Sunday, February 24, 2008


Nic and I saw this last night, amazing show. The music is haunting me even now. The two singing, wrote the music/lyrics too, and won an Oscar tonight for best song. Just the idea that "the girl" and "the guy" were in each others lives for only a week, but were the motivation each other needed to move forward, was simple and beautiful. I give it two thumbs up, but if you are offended by the "F" word, skip this.


Chelle said...

Chris said she saw this last year and became mildly obsessed with the movie and the music. After seeing the song on the Oscars last night I can see why. I can't wait to see it.

The woman in this is so beautiful. At first I thought she was somewhat plain looking but she is actually quite striking, especially her smile.

Chelle said...

I just posted here but I don't know where it went.

Anyway, can't wait to see this.

F-word? Bring it on. Actually, that was a very nice warning.

Merilee said...

I loved that movie and all the music. I was glad to see them win the Oscar.

Please pardon the blog stalking going on here.

The Wright Family said...

Love, love, love this movie and the music. If you ever want to borrow the DVD or CD let me know. We have both. :)