Sunday, February 24, 2008

My favorite songs...this week

So, I like music. I may not play or sing so well, but I can listen and groove. Here are my favorites this week, in no particular order.
She is the voice I like to hear in the morning when I'm getting Kennedy off to school. Nic took me to her concert for my birthday. Best concert I have ever seen. She's insanely addicting and lively. My fave songs, 1234, My Man My Moon(every airport walkway is my catwalk now) and SO Sorry.

Ingrid Michaelson
My "I Love My Husband" anthem.

Who doesn't love Love Song?


Chelle said...

Thanks to you and Brig I can keep up with music. You two are my music inspiration.

Darilyn said...

Were you the one that introduced this to Chelle? She showed this to Merilee and I when we were out there in October. (FEIST). Love it.