Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Guilty Pleasure

Darn you Stephanie Myers. Not only did she make three scarily addicting novels, but there's more coming this year. Breaking Dawn, the fourth in her Twilight series(and final let's hope, for my husbands sanity) is coming out in August. She's got a new novel, The Host, coming out in May. And to top off the Stephanie Myers addiction, her movie is set to be in theaters in December. It's not my fault, I had Harry Potter done and over with. But then comes this literary drug, and I'm hooked. I'm going to place the blame elsewhere. To Cara my sister in law, curse you for introducing me (I'll call you when I'm done with The Host and we'll chat;)). To Jen and Tiff, who are my enablers and the other two members of our bookclub "Hoochie Mamas." And most importantly, TO Stephanie Myers herself, who knew that a stay-at-home-mormon-mama had that much passion and intensity lurking in her dreams. So, if you're an addict, like myself, with an amazing husband that lets you go MIA until you've resurfaced from reading, give her books a try. Hopefully, you will be better able to space out your reading/mothering better than I.


Jen said...

I just started that book last night!!! I having been waiting a month to start it, but I had 2 other books I needed to finish first. I decided to read them since almost everyone I have talked to loves them. I am excited to start the addictive journey.

Greg & Alex said...

Hailey!! Remeber me, Alex from the old 'hood! I love this blogging stuff, I have found so many old friends. Your family is so adorable! My blog is if you want to check it out. More later!

Darilyn said...

Oh man, you have a lot of good info! I did not know she had another one coming out in May. I'm so excited!

Yin said...

My friend gave me the first book to read now that I am home for a while with Ella. I am about half way through, and I love it!