Tuesday, July 29, 2008

20 Year Tag with Nic and Hailey

This is a long one, and I was tagged by both Kenni and yin, so both Nic and I are going to fill this one out.

20 Years ago I: (Nic)

1. Was 11 years crazy and lived in Hillsboro, Oregon.
2. Showed my first hefer cow, Erica, my first crush, at the county fair.
3. Learned to drive the hay truck.
4. Wanted to be a fighter pilot (side note: Nic has his pilots license-which helped him win the love of the fair Hailey.)

20 Years ago I: (Hailey)

1. Was nine (yes, this is the dreaded 3oth year, but I'm going to have a huge dance party to make up for it. You are all invited.)
2. Was in a competive dance group, loving dance, and hating the group. My aunt was the teacher, and she had it out for me, which, having nieces and nephews now, I totally don't understand her.
3. Rocked huge feathered bangs 4 inches high and a sweet perm.
4. Dreamed of having Charles in Charge of me, and owning a hyper-color t-shirt and Girbaut jeans like Eric Dahl.

10 Years ago I:(Nic)

1. Was 21, sitting on the floor teaching religious lessons, eating fermented soybeans.
2. I just returned home from my mission in Japan. I spent 5 days at home before shipping off to BYUH again, where I met the fair maiden Hailey.
3. Was skinny dipping in the Hawaiian waters, loving being an rm.
4. Realized that surfing was not a good career for me and transferred to Oregon State University (GO BEAVS!).
5. Between BYUH and OSU, met and married my awesome wife Hailey.

10 Years ago I:(Hailey)

1. Was a skinny, hot 18/19 year old and had no clue. I totally should have worked it, but had no self awareness.
2. Finished first and only year at USU, lost scholarship, and met amazing people.
3. Was living with my awesome Grandma Ginna, working for a computer programming firm making a lot of money, but didn't want to be stuck in a job already, so went to BYUH.
4. Dated two guys at the same time and left them to go to BYUH. (Probably the only scandalous thing about me.)
5. Left everyone I knew and went to Hawaii and hated it for the first month. Good thing I stayed, huh.

5 Years ago I:(Nic)

1. Just graduated OSU in Construction Engineering Management.
2. Purchased Hillcrest Apartments, naively thinking "Managing apts. is easy, right?"
3. First year of Hawaiian Shave Ice at the county fair.

5 Years ago I:(Hailey)

1. Had a beautiful 2 yr old daughter, Kennedy, lived in a basement apt in Corvallis, managing the Riviera Apartments.
2. Went back to Hawaii with Nic and friends for graduation.
3. Toured around West Coast interviewing for jobs for Nic, fell in love with everywhere we went, and then ended up back at home.

3 Years ago I:(Nic)

1. Was 28, started construction business with brother and dad, VIAL PHAM LLC.
2. Took Hailey to Maui in August, and whole family in October for BYUH Jubilee.
3. Got called into bishopbric on a Wednesday, and next day found out that Hailey was pregnant with twins.

3 Years ago I:(Hailey)

1. Was pregnant with twins, and had a 1 year old and a 4 year old, and was seriously thinking of running away.
2. Loved all the dumb comments strangers made when they found out she was pregnant with twins and pushing her baby in a stroller, like, "Was this planned?" are you serious? Like you just push a different button and get twins?
3. Was sporting the shortest haircut of her life and won't forget it.
4. Got to be pregnant for a second time with Chelle.

So far this year I:(Nic)

1. Built my first park, complete with playground, pond and pavilion. Now have ulcer.
2. Was released from the bishopbric. The bishop says it's to spend more time with my family, but I think it was the four letter words I let slip about the young men in our ward.
3. Am now in the young mens presidency in our ward. Just spent a week with said four letter word young men.

So far this year I:(Hailey)

1. Have moved to a beautiful house, in the same ward, and am loving THE TOY ROOM (That's in caps because that is hollered at my children several times a day when they start migrating into the "Do not touch" front room. I've always wanted one of those.)
2. Started using this blog as a way to find old friends and new friends. Your lives are fascinating to me, and I appreciate all the effort you make to update them. As we move away and get busy, it's nice to have a quick way to see how you all are doing.
3. Wonder if September will ever come! I have the 3 youngest enrolled in the best preschool ever! It's 12/hours a week! I'm in heaven, I have no idea what I will do with all that time to myself. Imagine, shopping at Target and Costco without the ginormous 8 passenger cart, getting stopped by strangers wasting your time saying, "My, oh my, don't you have your hands full? Are they triplets? No, just twins, was that planned? You really should appreciate this time, before they are all gone...blah, blah, blah." Yes, lady I do, and they all have an expiration before they start weeping, wailing and nashing their teeth, peeing their panties, and other great embarrassments. (Sorry, it just will be nice to get in and out of a store without drama for once.)
4. Got hooked on the Twilight series, became a groupie, went to a book signing a couple of months ago, will be up all night friday reading the fourth book, and to top it off, am driving up to Seattle with my book club, "Hoochie Mommas Bookclub", to the 4th book signing in a couple weeks. Soooo excited. (Sidenote: I have an extra ticket, if you are awesomely nerdy and want to go with me and the other "Hoochies" and sleep over in Seattle and party like a teenage girl in love with a vampire. Yah jealous!)


Chelle said...

I had such a blast reading this post. Even though I knew most of this is fun to read it in your words.

You both rock and I miss you.

Caitlin said...

hahaha Charles in Charge of me! I watched the re-runs in the morning before elem/middle school. He was such a BABE! I always wanted a male babysitter (haha kinda sounds like male stripper, sick). Too bad we only had a nanny but she was pretty cool.

Darilyn said...

I hardly knew any of this and loved reading every bit of it. I love how Nic talks about you. It's so sweet.

I did get your message the other day about swimming. I think I was gone that day and got it too late. Email me at this dlyn@hotmail.com and I can get them sooner than responding to a blog.

Hailey Vial said...

D- I will let you know when we go swimming next, and I did the typing for Nic, so I might have exaggerated his "You" to be "The Fair Hailey". It just sounded better.

Kelly said...

Oh how I remember the perm and bangs. We all looked the same! That was fun reading about all you've been up to. Can't wait for the 4th book either!!

Jen said...

I WANT TO GO ! To bad I am so far away. People in my ward are JUST NOW reading her books so they are not DIEING for more yet! Besides The Veeks are going to be at my house that night I am very excited. I don't think Rob will ever be in the bishopric with my kids. The 2 of us can't handle them as it is. I would go inactive if I had to have all 4 by myself.LOL

mahina said...

that was so fun to read! i love all of the DUMB questions you get from people about your girls...was that planned! hello, are you an idiot? some people just shouldn't speak! haha!

hey, sorry i didn't get back to you about swimming last week! life is crazy, but we would love to go swimming with you guys sometime before we go! we've only made it to the pool once this summer! sad, i know!

Desiree said...

That was hilarious! You are such fun people! We miss you guys!

Melissa-Mc said...

That was really fun to read! Isn't shopping with many toddlers in tow quite the experience?

I've started going alone, but I usually have to get 2 carts and they are jam packed and I get lots of strange looks and always need help out to my car. What will it be like when I have 4 teenaged boys?

The Wright Family said...

I loved learning so much about the two of you. Love the look of the blog. That family picture at the top is great!

paula said...

Hang in there Hailey. It will be better in sep when they get into school . Just don't fill up your day and other stuff. It will happen and then you will ask, How did that happen?

Great blog. PMV

Christian and Kennebec Vial said...

OOO Chris and I got a big kick out of all of that. I liked learning all that about you two. and oh my, i just can't wait to have 4 kids in costco :) maybe i'll just stick a sign to the side of my cart that says "don't ask questions, i'm an annoyed mom and I don't want to talk to morons" hehe jk.
love you much!

Wilde Things said...

Very fun update! Isn't it funny about hating Hawaii? I didn't hate it the first month I was there, it wasn't until Feb. or so (and only lasted a month) that I started hating it. Then as soon as I got home in June I realized how stupid I really was for ever hating it. I wish I could be there now!

the splendid life of us... said...

This was fun to read! I LOVE the family picture above, so cute!

Tonya said...

That was very fun to read! You and Nic are a great couple. I love your sense of humor and Nic's 4 letter words crack me up. Sounds like something I would do.

Anonymous said...

if saying four letter words about the YM in the ward gets you released, I'm way overdue.