Monday, July 21, 2008

random survey

Got this off Yin's blog.

1. What’s your favorite movie soundtrack?

I LOVE SOUNDTRACKS! (Yes I just did all caps and an exclamation point, that's how seriously in love with soundtracks I am!)
Wicked, Little Miss Sunshine, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Annie, Chocolat, and Once

2. What’s your favorite holiday?


3. What’s your favorite planet?

Earth, and Mars (if we ever get there)

4. What is the last book you read for fun?

The Host (same as Yin)

5. What’s the craziest space doctrine you’ve ever learned in a Church context?

(Oh ho ho, this is me rubbing my hands together and loving this question)
I usually stick with the phrase, "Save the mysteries of Heaven, for Heaven," but I do love it when here say and folk lore creep up into a lesson as gospel. I warned our RS Presidency that in asking me to teach, they had full reign to stop me at anytime when my Utah culture comes out, and I start spouting things I'd heard from seminary as fact. So, nothing in particular, it's all good.

6. What’s your dream job?

Dance Teacher

7. What’s your favorite food group?

Sugar, preferably the licorice category

8. What’s your favorite letter of the alphabet?


9. What’s your favorite musical instrument?


10. Which of the Standard Works do you like best (counting OT and NT separately)?


11. If you weren’t (or aren’t) Mormon, what religion would you be?

I'd be a witch. So that's wiccan right? I think I would not really be into organized witch religion, but I'd like to be a Harry Potter type witch. All the fun, without too much creepy.


Yin said...

Have we had a conversation about the movie Chocolat yet? That is my favorite JD movie. Hmmm, pirates (of the non-Caribbean variety).

Kelly said...

Darling family pic at the top of your blog!

Chelle said...

I love that your favorite holiday is Halloween. I miss having you around at holiday's, you really do make any holiday more fun. This post makes me miss you.

Tonya said...

If I wasn't Mormon I would love to try out being Amish for awhile. There's something about the quieter, non technology life that sounds somewhat appealing. And the horse and buggy thing sounds kinda cool too:0)