Natelin's post go me thinking...about cars. I love fast cars. Nic and I have been flirting with the idea of getting a date car that would fit only us and we'd use to go on dates. But since we don't have the money, or go on dates, I'll just keep dreaming. Here's my top five:




The MINI! I love it. I want one tooooooo. I hate those word verification things. I am taking it off. I can't even pretend to know what half of the letters are so it takes me 10 minutes to even get a good one.
#1 and 2 are so different from one another. It's fun to see your personality through the cars you chose. I'm gonna think on this one.
totally love #5!
totally love #5
I wouldn't want much. Just a Bentley Continental GT, in red.
by the way, you're word verification just made me type out "witch." Hmmm. It's usually just a jumble of letters and numbers--I've never seen an actual word before. I wonder if I should be offended :-)
Lately I think I want a motorcycle.
Hey Yin, my word verification just asked me to type out, "superniceperson" what does that say about me?
Actually it's pqtuwho, that's probably more telling.
Love the idea of having a date car! The day Luke and I are independantly wealthy we are doing it!!
I would have to go with the crowd and say the mini too.
I'm totally with you on the motorcycle. Yang and I are going to get matching bikes (more specifically, Yang is going to build us his and her choppers) when we have some extra cash (read: 10 years from now). I thought I may change my mind once I had XM, but I still want a bike.
By the way, sorry about the horrible typo in comment 6. Obviously, I meant "your" not "you're". Yikes.
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