Friday, April 18, 2008

Book Tag

While my family are watching "Water Horse" I'm got two hours to spare, so I am going to take up Chelle's tag challenge about a book nearby.

Here's the tag:
1. Pick up the nearest book
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the next 3 sentences
5. Tag five people

Here's my response:

"The Big Book Of How To Say It Best" By Jack Griffin and Robbie Miller Kaplan

The poet e.e. cummings wrote a delightful line that seems to me wonderfully appropriate for tonights gathering: "We thank you, God, for most this amazing day."  As we settle down to the business of this evening, let us ask the Lord never to allow us to forget that each of the days granted us is, indeed, amazing-filled with wonder and the wonder of opportunity.  Let us approach our work tonight in the freshness of that spirit."

Here's who I tag: Tonya Gold, Jill Pierce, Jenny Thomas, Natelyn, and Carrie Carson

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