The Annual Egg Hunt at my in law's was a smash this year with good weather and a great turn out. Here's some fun pictures. Kennedy was there, but not in pictures, she was off with a friend having a blast.
(on a side note: I can't figure out how people put pictures in the middle of text. If any of you know, will you clue me in. I have a mac, if that matters)
I love that first picture of you and your girls. Looks like a gorgeous day. About the picture placement, mine doesn't always work. Sometimes Blogger will let me put it in the text and other times it won't. I know this is not at all helpful.
when you upload your picture from where you edit your blog, you can choose where it goes with those four or so pictures of placements. I usually do the first one (its blank) and it always inserts the pic at the top but if you CLICK and DRAG, and just UNCLICK where you want it to go. hahaha hope that helps
Talk about a dream place to have an Easter Egg hunt. I have always loved the Vial's land. How fun!
I don't have a Mac but can you just put your curser on the picture and press return? That's how I space mine out.
Love the pictures, your girls are so cute and getting so big. The way I get text between pictures is doing them "center", add all the pictures first and then go back and add the text. I get frustrated when trying to add them side by side and as you can see by my one on Lyndsie it didn't work the way I wanted but I was too frustrated to go back and try and change it. That is when I decided to learn the slideshow.
Like Caitlin, I select the first picture placement option. Then, I copy and paste the picture where I want it to go.
hey print these out and send them to Kev. Paula
Cute, cute, cute picture of you and your girls! I miss going to the easter egg hunt at the Vial's! We have fun pictures and videos of going there. I guess it's our fault for moving out of the ward.
i loved seeing you and your girls at the easter egg hunt! i love how you had to keep emptying your girls baskets because they kept finding way more than 12 eggs! so cute!
lala just saw the first picture and said, "is that the girl that got too many eggs?"
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