Saturday, April 12, 2008

This Week In Photos

For FHE we played playdoh.  Here's Kennedy's self portrait.

Ava liked the pose K did, so she tried it out.

I got CC a jumbo bubble stick.  She spent hours outside making massive bubbles.

CC took this photo of Kennedy and her food coloring lips.  She loves to explore in the kitchen...unfortunately. I am still finding drops of green on the counter.


Darilyn said...

How in the world did you get that green off her lips? The crazy thing is she did such a good job putting it on. She looks like a rocker chick getting ready for a concert with her perfectly applied green lipstick. Even the hand up, it's like she's saying to the paparazzi, don't take my picture, i'm not ready yet.

Tonya said...

Holy incredible hulk lips! I to wonder how in the world you managed to clean off those luscious kissers:0)

Chelle said...

That really does look good. Is the inside of her mouth just as green? Great pictures, looks like you had a good week.