Thursday, February 11, 2010

for rich and paula

The Vial family farm house is being remodeled. It seems that anywhere I go, someone either knows my inlaws, or has been to the farm house. (Yesterday at the girls' dance class someone asked if I was related to Bishop Vial, her parents are Reynolds, I think.)

Here's some shots of the work and destruction. The first is my favorite, the outside is now inside.

Used my sb 400 flash for this.


Darilyn said...

Holy cow, I didnt realize they had completely gutted it. Wow, can't wait to see it when it's done.

Rich Vial said...

Thanks Hailey! Awesome to have some pictures. I think it will be fun to have it for family gatherings.

paula said...

yep just the mail floor gutted. The upper is not as gutted. But almost. Thanks for the pictures is it fun to see through a camaera's eye.

Tonya said...

Wow, is it going to be a bed and breakfast or a retreat place?? I've heard some different stories about what it will be. I am wondering!?!

Your Mom said...

Hi cousin Hailey,

I do, in fact, remember you. I was just at Grandpa Milos and noticing your family photo from a recent Christmas was prominently displayed. Funnily enough, there were no pictures of me and my son. This will be changing shortly. :)

Fun blog, cute kids, nice photography.


Carter Family said...

HOLY COW!! What happened to the house I grew up in??? WOW! Can't wait to see the final product!