Friday, February 26, 2010

butterflies, boating, and the girliest little boy cake ever...

We got Kennedy a butterfly pavilion for Christmas and she sent away for the caterpillars. She has been taking care of them and they just hatched from their crysalis. Here's the finished product.

We took the kids on a canoe ride in gramma and grandpa Vial's backyard, and I'll I can say is that CC had fun. You can't see it so well in the pictures, but there was a lot of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth goin' on in that little boat.

This is my nephew Victor, who's 6.

This is everyone celebrating Victor's birthday.

And this is his very girlie cake. Tasted good.


Michelle Jones said...

hahaha! Kennedy looks scared poop-less in the canoe photo!

paula said...

Ok so it had a pink puppy on it and pink flowers are we so stereotyped he cant had pink?
Remember it is Victor lol