Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunriver, chickmunks, and Natelin (oh my!)

Had a lovely 4 day weekend at Sunriver with the fam and Natelin. Nic had an AGC convention to attend, so to entertain ourselves in Nic's absence, the girls and I went to Walmart in Bend to watch the carni's. I overheard a teenage boy and his mother talking in the menswear section, "But Mom, it don't match." and mom says, "Oh, son, camoflauge matches everything". Priceless!
Then to the Old Mill shopping center to get CC some new school clothes. The rest of the time was spent at playgrounds or trying to get them into the car. Seriously, when did it get so hard to corral them into the vehicle? It was easier when the twins couldn't walk and before CC learned to explain (I need to spend an entire post on CC and her propensity for explaining - I think it's the lawyer blood in her, she just needs to get her point across).

A big thanks for Auntie C and Uncle N for putting up with ALL of us. I'm sure they get just as sick of Nic and I as they do of the screeching howler monkeys they have for nieces.

On a lighter note, we were entertained by the chipmunks at our house, and I've got some cute pix of the monsters yelling at the chipmunks to come and eat the Nilla cookies from their hands. It sounded something like this, "Hey chipmunk, I's gots some cuuky for you! Come back, you, I give it to you! I nice (insert cheesy grin).....Chipmunk!!! Come baaaacckkkk!" Then a cute sulk when the chipmunk didn't understand that they came in peace and bearing gifts of delicious vanilla wafery goodness. Lost in translation, I guess.

On the way home we stopped at a park in Wilsonville that my husband built. I'm a little proud of him. It's been a year and the place is still standing (ha ha). It's actually quite beautiful, and the girls had fun at the playground/water fountain.

So, now my house is a wreck, I got Portland to Coast next weekend (AHHHHH!!! So out of shape, going to fail....ahhh...), and so much back burner Primary stuff left undone...and.....and....yeah. I just need to go to sleep. Peace out!

Here chipmunk, chipmunk....come to CC!


Rich Vial said...

The pics are awesome.

Kendra Goodrich said...

You take such beautiful pictures that really capture the moment. And your girls are ADORABLE!

Amanda D said...

It sounds like fun. Isn't it great to get away for a couple of days? Now, get some rest so you can get the rest of your stuff done. :)

The Thomas Family said...

Cute kids...and beautiful pictures.

Where's the park at? We'll have to check it out next time we're in Or.

katie said...

i absolutely love these photos! they are so fun.

paula said...

wow your pictures are so good. You are learning a lot. Of course you have a great palette to work with in the kids you have. YOu capture them well....

Darilyn said...

These are some great pictures. They really capture the essence of summer. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Tonya said...

Love the pictures! Especially the sepia one of Bree and Ava. I think it's them anyways:0)YIKES!!! Portland to Coast is coming right up. I'm scared and excited.

Melissa-Mc said...

These are wonderful pictures, and your girls are so darling.

Melissa said...

The pictures are beautiful. You and that camera seem to be getting along well. Lets take the kids to the old broken down train so you can try your hand at that!

The Wright Family said...

Gorgeous pictures. Your best yet. Love the chipmunk story. See you tonight.