Monday, May 4, 2009

{Insert witty title here}

We had a lovely weekend, and I had ample opportunities to try out my new camera.
This is my aunt Carol and her greenhouse. She has a great knack for making things grow.
We visited with her and her friend Martin and came home with a couple trays of flowers to plant.

Ava handing me a bouquet.

Kennedy, ain't she a cutie!

Bree on her new cruiser. I looked up tricycles on and went and bought all 3 in the Portland/Banks area.


Our friend Melissa, playing with the girls at our friends, Max and Rebecca's wedding.

The happy couple.
Groom Max took a knee to the nose at bachelor party. Poor kid had a bandage on the entire day except for pictures.


Jen said...

Poor MAX! Love the picture. I remember in YWS when Rebecca had a crush on Max and he was to busy with other girls. I am so excited for them. I wish I could have gone home to see them get married! Cute tricycles. We just bought the twins some bicycles. Now I spend all my time in the front yard watching them ride them.

Anonymous said...

Bri is wearing that helmet like a gangsta!!

Nate Vial