Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gingerbread Haka vs. Timberlake's "Peg"

Let me just preface these clips, first is the Gingerbread Haka. Nic and I are on a crazy vegan/detox diet for the next month. Veggies and fruit only. I'm not kidding. It's crazy hard and as a result, I'm craving carbs, and this clip just makes me laugh too.

The second is the SNL that was on last night. That justin Timberlake is amazing. Usually the Target lady skits are owned by Kristen Wiig and her great voice, but Timberlake's "Peg" wins hands down. He even had Kristen losing it mid-skit.

So here for you on a lovely monday, enjoy! And someone please eat a cookie for me ;)


Rich Vial said...

I really appreciate you putting these up as I never get them first hand! Beside's, it speaks volumes about you!

Chris and Amy Darton said...

Good for you guys! I tried that detox 1 time....lasted only 3 days! Its so hard, so nice work!

Chelle said...

Classic to the max!

Brig and I were dying laughing.

ashley said...

Good luck on your extremely hard diet. I've given up dairy and it's been a bit sad, but don't know if I could do without my carbs. I bet you'll do great.

Thanks for sharing these clips. You always find the funniest stuff. I'm now a huge Jim Gaffigan fan because of you. That guy is funny.