Monday, May 24, 2010


I have often thought about different products/things I like, "I wish someone had told me sooner." So, I'm going to give my non-celebrity endorsement for some of my favs.

Nail Magic!  This is an amazing nail growth/strengthener/repairer that is a local company started out of Sisters, Oregon.  It's in this ugly little box on the very top shelf at Fred Meyers and Walgreens, and has absolutely no advertising other than word of mouth.  And it's been around for 30 years.  A couple months ago I was on a quest to get back my nice nails.  Not vain, but I've always appreciated my nails and like them strong and healthy.  I asked around and even googled.  Just name brand stuff, with no real results.  Until one magical day I asked a friendly Freddies sales clerk that had nice nails, and out spewed her non-celebrity endorsement for Nail Magic.  So I spent my $5.99, and at first, my nails continued to peel and I had to keep them short, but I keep applying it.  And, voila, a month or so later, my nails are long and strong and healthy!

And secondly, Oren Lavie.  Haunting, beautiful, simple, good music.  Amazing video.  Wishing I had curly auburn hair and amazing sleepwalking skillz. 


Christian and Kennebec Vial said...

Thanks for the magic nails! I've always had incredibly weak nails and the habit to bite them, I've finally stopped doing the latter and they are still pretty brittle, so thanks I'll give it a shot!

And I could probably watch that music video a million times over, thanks for that as well!

Tonya said...

Thanks for the tip on Nail Magic. I need me some of that! And thanks for introducing Oren Lavie. I like the sound...what a random video:)