Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My alter ego "DJ SnakPak"

I'm such a nerd.
I was asked to DJ our ward family dance next weekend and have been putting together a playlist of kid friendly tunes. The activities committee asked me to announce the songs and offer to make requests and other dj-esque things. So here's my nerdy train of thought...."If I'm going to be DJing a dance, I need a sweet alter ego."
So I'm going with ..(drumroll).. DJ SnakPak!
Kid friendly and a little edgy, too.
I know, I'm such a nerd.


Blogful said...

share the playlist when you have completed it. My YW are always complaining about the lame music at stake dances. Would be nice to see a groovy clean play list.

Caitlin said...

hahahaha that reminds me off an old snakpack commercial! or maybe it was oreos or something but there was a dj with like snackpack jewlery and had them all around handing them out. maybe you could hand out some nice tapioca paks.

Chelle said...

Ya, toss them into the crowd! I love it!

The Wright Family said...

I'll totally collect my sugar-free pudding cups and you can make a dope necklace. Can't wait.

Tonya said...

That will be so much fun. I don't think I could do that. Love the name and the necklace idea from the Wright Family:0)